General information
Transect & Bathymetric map
Water treatment plants
Sampling programme & Analytical methods
Attention SYVAB
Photo album

Water quality status
At present water quality in terms of nutrient and chlorophyll a concen-trations and secchi depth is monitored at 9 stations (8 reported here) in the bay, at a frequency of once per month during winter, every week during the spring bloom, and every second week during the rest of the year. Nutrient concentrations are monitored in 3 streams entering the bay as well as in freshwater discharged from Mälaren via Södertälje.

Instructions for use: click at the station symbol on the map and make your choice in the menu you are presented.


Näslandsfjärden Hallsfjärden Inre Himmerfjärden Inre Himmerfjärden Yttre Himmerfjärden Svärdsfjärden Askö, bojen Landsortsdjupet Himmerfjärdsverket Click at Station Symbol